Friday, January 16, 2015

Origin Of Valentine Day | Lovers Day

Each February, in places around the world, friends exchange flowers, candy, gifts and chocolate in celebration of Valentine’s Day. Name of St Valentine is known a across the globe as a patron saint. Most of us however, do not know  true origin of St  Valentine and how this special day came to be. What we do know is that February is the month of romance. As we know it today, St. Valentine’s Day contains elements of both ancient Roman a Valentine's.

One of the common legends states that Valentine was a priest that served in third century  Emperor Claudius II declared that single males made superior soldiers than did those who had wives and children and he outlawed marriage for all young men in order to optimize his potential .  Valentine immediately realized the injustice in this declaration and continued to perform marriages in new ceremonies, and it was in direct defiance of Emperor Claudius II. 

Happy Valentine Day

Upon different learning of Valentine’s actions, the Emperor immediately had him put to death.

There are additional stories surrounding Valentine that suggest he was killed for attempting to assist Christians in escaping Roman prisons and they were often is tortured and If one particular legend holds true, Valentine himself sent the first ever “valentine” greeting. 

It is believed that Valentine fell in love with a jailer’s daughter while in prison. The girl had visited Valentine in jail, during which time Valentine fell deeply in love with her. It is thought that before  St Valentine  death, Valentine sent her a letter that he signed “From Your Valentine”. 

By the time of Valentine’s death and subsequent sainthood, he was one of the most popular legends in England and France during the Middle Ages. 

The early pastors of Roman Christian is churches used S  Valentine’s   as the day young men chose maidens from the congregation as potential brides. Since that time there have been many traditions that have become an important part of Valentine’s Day love day by sending Cards, different chocolate and gifts, the promise of l love are the most common way that we express our feelings on this very special day every year and In the United States USA, the first commercially printed Valentine’s Day cards began appearing in the early 1800s. Since that time, Valentine’s Day has become a highly profitable business in which millions of dollars are spent each year.

While we enjoy and anticipate Valentine’s Day and the gifts we will give and receive, it is important to remember that this very special day originated with no gifts whatsoever, but rather an promise of eternal love and happiness that cost nothing at all.


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